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Chang, Y.J.*, Hsu, J., Lai, P.K., Lan, K.W., Tsai, W.P. (2021) Evaluation of the impacts of climate change on albacore distribution in the South Pacific Ocean by using ensemble forecast. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 731950.
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Chang, Y.J.*, Winker, H., Sculley, M., Hsu, J. (2020) Evaluation of the status and risk of overexploitation of the Pacific billfish stocks considering non-stationary population processes. Deep-Sea Research Part II. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2019.104707.
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Chang, H.Y., Sun, C.L., Yeh, S.Z., Chang, Y.J., Su, N.J., DiNardo, G. (2018) Reproductive biology of female striped marlin Kajikia audax in the western Pacific Ocean. Journal of Fish Biology, 92: 105-130.
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Huang, W.B., Chang, Y.J., Hsieh, C.H. (2019) CPUE standardization of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) for the Chinese Taipei’s stick-held dip net fishery in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean from 2001-2018. 5th Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury. 13-16 November 2019, Shimonoseki, Japan. NPFC-2019-SSC PS05-WP02.
Huang, W.B., Chang, Y.J., Hsieh, C.H. (2019) Enumeration of commercial size category, body length distribution, and age composition of the Pacific saury caught by the Chinese Taipei’s saury fishery in 2018. 5th Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury. 13-16 November 2019, Shimonoseki, Japan. NPFC-2019-SSC PS05-WP03.
Hsu, J., Chang, Y.J. (2019) Joint CPUE standardization of the Pacific saury in the Northwest Pacific Ocean during 2001-2017 by using the conventional and geostatistical approaches. 5th Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury. 13-16 November 2019, Shimonoseki, Japan. NPFC-2019-SSC PS05-WP10
Chang, Y.J., Hsu, J., Hung, W.C., Hsieh, C.H., Huang, W.B. (2019) Estimation of the length and age compositions of Pacific saury Cololabis saira in the Northwest Pacific Ocean during the fishing season in 2018. 5th Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury. 13-16 November 2019, Shimonoseki, Japan. NPFC-2019-SSC PS05-WP11
Hsu, J., Chang, Y.J. (2019) Modelling the spatio-temporal dynamics of Pacific saury in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean by using a Vector-Autoregressive Spatio-Temporal Model. 5th Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury. 13-16 November 2019, Shimonoseki, Japan. NPFC-2019-SSC PS05-WP12
Carvalho, F., Ijima, H., Sculley M., Chang, Y.J. (2019) A Preliminary Stock Synthesis Model Conducted for the WCNPO Striped Marlin. 8-15 May 2019 Honolulu, USA. ISC/19/BILLWG02-1/08.
Hsu, J., Chang, Y.J., Hsieh, C.H., Huang, W.B., Chiang, T.H. (2019) Stock assessment of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) in the Western North Pacific Ocean through 2019. 4th Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury. 6-16 March 2019, Yokohama, Japan. NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04 WP09 (Rev 1).
Hsu, J., Chang, Y.J., Shu, Y.Y., Sun, C.L., Yeh, S.Z. (2019) Catch and size data of striped marlin (Kajikia audax) by the Taiwanese fisheries in the western and central North Pacific Ocean during 1958-2017. 14-19 January 2019, Honolulu, USA. ISC/19/BILLWG01-1/03.
Chang, Y.J., Shu, Y.Y., Hsu, J., Sun, C.L. (2019) Catch rate standardization of striped marlin in the Western and Central North Pacific Ocean by the Taiwanese tuna longline fisheries during 1995-2017. 14-19 January 2019, Honolulu, USA. ISC/19/BILLWG–1/08.
Huang W.B., Chang, Y.J., Hsieh, C.H. (2018) CPUE standardization of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) for the Chinese Taipei’s stick-held dip net fishery in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean from 2001-2017. 3rd Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Pacific Saury Stock Assessment. 12-15 October 2018, Xiamen, China. NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-WP13 (Rev. 1).
Sculley, M., Ijima, H., Chang, Y.J. (2018) A Base-case Model in Stock Synthesis 3.30 for the 2018 North Pacific Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) Stock Assessment. 17-24 April 2018 Shizuoka, Japan. ISC/18/BILLWG-2/02.
Chang, Y.J., Hsu, J., Hsieh, C.H., Huang, W.B., Chiang, T.H. (2018) Stock assessment of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) in the Western North Pacific Ocean through 2016. 3rd Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury. 13-16 April 2018, Tokyo, Japan. NPFC-2018-SSC PS03-WP14.
Chang, Y.J., Sun, C.L., Hsu, J., Yeh, S.Z. (2018) Catch and length data of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) for the WCNPO and EPO areas from the Taiwanese fisheries. 17-23 January Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. ISC/18/BILLWG-1/04.
Chang, Y.J., Sun, C.L., Hsu, J., Yeh, S.Z. (2018) Standardized catch-rates of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) for the Taiwanese distant -water tuna longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean for 1964-2016. 17-23 January Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. ISC/18/BILLWG-1/06.
Chang, Y.J., Hsieh, C.H., Huang, W.B., Chiang, T.H. (2017) Stock assessment of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) in the Western North Pacific Ocean. 1st Technical Working Group on Pacific Saury Stock Assessment Meeting. 20-22 February 2017, Yokohama, Japan. NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA01-WP09.
Chang, Y.J., Hsieh, C.H., Huang, W.B., Hsu, J., Chiang, T.H. (2017) Stock assessment of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) in the Western North Pacific Ocean through 2016. 2nd Technical Working Group on Pacific Saury Stock Assessment Meeting. 6-8 December 2017, Vladivostok, Russia. NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP15.
Huang, W.B., Chang, Y.J., Hsieh, C.H. (2017) CPUE standardization of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) for the Taiwanese stick-held dip net fishery in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. 2nd Technical Working Group on Pacific Saury Stock Assessment Meeting. 6-8 December 2017, Vladivostok, Russia. NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP03.
Chang, Y.J., Chang, X.B., Sun, C.L. (2017) Determination of length-at-the first age for the Pacific blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) using dual hard-parts of fin-spines and otoliths. 1-7 June 2017, Keelung, Taiwan. ISC/17/BILLWG-1/5.
Chang, Y.J., Sun, C.L., Su, M.S., Su, N.J., Yeh, S.Z. (2017) Evaluating stock structure hypotheses for swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the Pacific Ocean using size composition statistics of Taiwanese distant water longliners. 1-7 June 2017, Keelung, Taiwan. ISC/17/BILLWG-1/4.
Su, N.J., Sun, C.L., Chang, J.H., Chang, Y.J., Yeh, S.Z. (2017) Environmental effects on the spatial distribution of swordfish as inferred from data for the Taiwanese distant-water tuna longline fishery in the Pacific Ocean. 1-7 June 2017, Keelung, Taiwan. ISC/17/BILLWG-1/6.
Chang, Y.J., Langseth, B., Ijima, H., Kai, M. (2016) Stock Assessment Update for Blue Marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the Pacific Ocean through 2014. 22-30 March 2016, Busan, Korea. ISC/16/BILLWG-2/01.
Carvalho, F., Walsh, W., Chang. Y.J. (2016) Standardized catch rates of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the Hawaii-based longline fishery (1995-2014). 13-20 Jan. 2015, Honolulu, Hawaii. ISC/16/BILLWG-1/05.
Chang. Y.J., Yau, A., Brodziak, J. (2016) Summary of blue marlin catch and size data from the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission and the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission. 13-20 Jan. 2015, Honolulu, Hawaii. ISC/16/BILLWG-1/04.
Chang, Y.J., Langseth, B., Yau, A., Brodziak, J. (2015) Preliminary Stock Assessment Update for Striped Marlin (Kajikia audax) in the Western and Central North Pacific Ocean through 2013. 16-17 April 2015, Yokohama, Japan. ISC/15/BILLWG‐2/01.
Chang, Y.J., Fletcher, E., Walsh, W., Brodziak, J. (2015) Graphical Presentations of the Striped Marlin Kajikia audax Size Composition Data to be used in the 2015 Stock Assessment Update. 16-17 April 2015, Yokohama, Japan. ISC/15/BILLWG‐2/02.
Chang, Y.J., Walsh, W.A., and Brodziak, J. (2015) Updated time series associated with Hawaii-based longline vessels and striped marlin nominal CPUE based on the fishery observer data system. 13-20, January 2015. Honolulu, Hawaii. ISC/15/BILLWG‐1/02
Walsh, W. A., and Chang, Y.J. (2015) Standardization of Striped Marlin Kajikia audax CPUE for the Hawaii-based Longline Fishery during 1995–2013 using Generalized Linear Models: An Update from 2011. 13-20, January (2015) Honolulu, Hawaii. ISC/15/BILLWG‐1/03.
Yau, A.J.-Y., and Chang, Y.J. (2015) Summary of striped marlin (Kajikia audax) catch and size data from the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission. 13-20, January 2015. Honolulu, Hawaii. ISC/15/BILLWG‐1/05.
Yau, A.J-.Y., Chang, Y.J., and Brodziak, J., (2014) Stock assessment of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the Eastern Pacific Ocean through 2012. USA. ISC/14/BILLWG-1/01.
Chang, Y.J., Yau, A.J.-Y., and Brodziak, J., (2014) Stock assessment of Western and Central North Pacific Ocean swordfish (Xiphias gladius) through 2012. February11-19, (2014) Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. ISC/14/BILLWG-1/02.
Tagami, D., Wang, H., Chang, Y.J., (2014) Spatial Distribution of Swordfish Catches for longline fisheries in the Western and Central North Pacific and Eastern Ocean. February11-19, 2014. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. ISC/14/BILLWG-1/03.
Lee, H.-H., Chang, Y.J., Hinton, M., Piner, K., Tagami, D., and Taylor, I., (2014) Blue marlin stock assessment in the Pacific Ocean. May 20-28, 2013. Shimizu, Japan. ISC/13/BILLWG-2/04.
Brodziak, J., O’Malley, J., Yau, A.J.-Y., and Chang, Y.J., (2013) Application of Bayesian production model to assess Pacific blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in 2013. May 20-28, (2013) Shimizu, Japan. ISC/13/BILLWG-2/09.
Chang, Y.J., Brodziak, J., Lee, H.H., DiNardo, G., and Sun, C.L., (2013) Model selection uncertainty and multi-model inference in the generalized fishery production modeling: simulation study of the Pacific blue marlin stock. May 20-28, 2013. Shimizu, Japan. ISC/13/BILLWG-2/10.
Chang, Y.J., Brodziak, J., Lee, H.H., DiNardo, G., and Sun C.L. (2013) A Bayesian hierarchical meta-analysis of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) growth in the Pacific Ocean. 16-23 January, Honolulu, USA. ISC/13/BILLWG-1/02.
Lee, H.H., and Chang, Y.J. (2013) Age-structured natural mortality for Pacific blue marlin based on meta-analysis and an ad hoc mortality model. 16-23 January, Honolulu, USA. ISC/13/BILLWG-1/07.
Sun, C.L., Su, N.J., Yeh, S.Z., and Chang, Y.J. (2013) Sex-specific growth parameters and natural mortality rates for blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the northwest Pacific Ocean. 16-23 January, Honolulu, USA. ISC/13/BILLWG-1/10.
Walsh, W., Chang, Y.J., and Lee, H.H. (2013) Catch statistics, size compositions, and CPUE standardizations for blue marlin Makaira nigricans in the Hawaii-based pelagic longline fishery in 1995-20111. 16-23 January, Honolulu, USA. ISC/13/BILLWG-1/13.
Thomas, L., Humphreys Jr., R., Chang, Y.J., and Sun, C.L. (2013) Review of life history parameters for blue marlin Makaira nigricans. 16-23 January, Honolulu, USA. ISC/13/BILLWG-1/12.
Sun, C.L., Su, N.J., Yeh, S.Z., and Chang, Y.J. (2012) A review of Taiwan’s blue marlin fisheries in the Pacific Ocean, 1958-2010. 2-9 April, Shanghai, China. ISC/12/BILLWG-1/04.
Sun, C.L., Chang, Y.J., Yeh, S.Z., and Su, N.J. (2012) A review of life history parameters of the Pacific blue marlin. The Intercessional Workshop of the Billfish Working Groups of the International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the North Pacific Ocean (ISC). 2-9 April, Shanghai, China. ISC/12/BILLWG-1/06.
Sun, C.L., Chang, Y.J., Su, N.J., and Yeh, S.Z. (2011) A sensitivity study of age-structured production model (ASPM) for striped marlin (Kajikia audax) in the western and central North Pacific Ocean. 6-16, December, 2011. Hawaii, USA. ISC/11/BILLWG-3/06, 16 pp.
Sun, C.L., Su, N.J., Yeh, S.Z., and Chang, Y.J. (2011) Stock assessment of striped marlin (Kajikia audax) in the western and central North Pacific Ocean using an age-structured model. 6-16, December, 2011. Hawaii, USA. ISC/11/BILLWG-3/02.
Sun, C.L., Hsu, W.S., Su, N.J., Yeh, S.Z., Chang, Y.J., and Chiang, W.C. (2011) Age and growth of striped marlin (Kajikia audax) in waters off Taiwan: A revision. May 24-June 1, 2011. Taipei, Taiwan. ISC/11/BILLWG-2/07.
Sun, C.L., Chang, S.Y., Chang, Y.J., Yeh, S.Z., Su, N.J., Chiang, W.C., and Lin Y.J. (2011) Reproductive biology of male striped marlin, Kajikia audax, in the waters off Taiwan. May 24-June 1, 2011. Taipei, Taiwan. ISC/11/BILLWG-2/09.
Sun, C.L., Su, N.J., Yeh, S.Z., and Chang, Y.J. (2011) A review of Taiwan’s billfish fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean, 1997-2009. January 19-27, 2011. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. ISC/11/BILLWG-1/01.
Sun, C.L., Su, N.J., Yeh, S.Z., and Chang, Y.J. (2011) Standardized catch-rates of striped marlin (Kajikia audax) for Taiwanese distant-water longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean for 1967-(2009) January 19-27, 2011. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. ISC/11/BILLWG-1/07.
Sun, C.L., Hsu, W.S., Su, N.J., Yeh, S.Z., Chang, Y.J., and Chiang, W.C. (2011) Age and growth of striped marlin (Kajikia audax) in waters off Taiwan. January 19-27, 2011. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. ISC/11/BILLWG-1/09.
Sun, C.L., Chang, S.Y., Chang, Y.J., Yeh, S.Z., Su, N.J., and Chiang, W.C. (2011) Reproductive biology of female striped marlin, Kajikia audax, in the waters off Taiwan (preliminary). January 19-27, 2011. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. ISC/11/BILLWG-1/11.
Sun, C.L., Chang, Y.J., Yeh, S.Z., and Wu, W.J. (2010) Standardizing catch and effort data for south Atlantic swordfish of the Taiwanese longline fishery. Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 65(1): 249-263.
Yeh, S.Z., Sun, C.L., Wang, S.P., and Chang, Y.J. (2007) Standardization of Taiwanese distant water tuna longline catch rates for swordfish in the North Pacific Ocean. March 19-26, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan. ISC/07/MARWG & SWOWG-1/14.
Sun, C.L., Yeh, S.Z., Wang, S.P., and Chang, Y.J. (2006) An update on landing and sex-specific size composition data of striped marlin and swordfish in the Taiwanese offshore and coastal fisheries. November 8-15 2006, Shimizu, Japan. ISC/06/MARWG & SWOWG-2/02.
Wang, S.P., Sun, C.L., Miyabe, N., Yeh, S.Z., Su, N.J., and Chang, Y.J. (2006) Stock assessment of bigeye tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean using an age-structured production model. August 7-18, 2006, Manila, Philippine. WCPFC/SC2/SA IP-2.
張以杰.孫志陸.葉素然 (2012) 穿著盔甲的海武士—龍蝦的生態奧祕。科學發展 2012年9月,477期。[Link]